PM VIP Program

I was the lead designer for Product Madness's Invite-Only (VIP) Marketing team, responsible for collaborating with the team to execute numerous campaigns across all 4 games.

IP Based Campaigns
The VIP brand is able to be used across the games, allowing for different campaigns to be run in different apps. Below are examples of some of my favorite IP-based event campaigns the VIP team has requested and run. 
Holiday Manager Campaigns
Along with IP-based events, we also run holiday bonuses for our VIP's. They are presented via their manager and therefore require the use of specific graphics that match the VIP pseudo-realistic imagery.
Sale Templates
Throughout my time here, I was able to easily create templates to speed up production of assets, particularly sales as each sale has at least 12 price points that must include the 3 different VIP logos, for a total of at least 36 assets per sale, which comes to 144 assets total when factoring in all 4 apps. 
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